Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Angry Rant #4: A little bit of everything.

So apparently Aboriginal people aren't recognised in the Federal Constitution in Australia. A friend has told me that the states do recognise Aboriginals, but at a Federal level in the Commonwealth Constitution, they are not.

But the thing that pissed me off was how they said it - Our idiotic PM just brushed it off so lightly as if it were nothing. Then we've got those idiotic US representatives spouting garbage about 'being ourselves and everything's gonna be alright'. THEN we've got people getting interviewed because they were "selected" for Oprah's show. Instead of wasting all that money (and you know she's going to be giving away free stuff) on pointless materialistic goods, she could be helping a place like...I dunno...AFRICA. Why waste time here? Why waste money? Why let the stupid state government piss more money up against the wall when our roads/hospitals/schools are an absolute disgrace. I am really annoyed right now.

Calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean....

Don't Believe the Lies and Spin.

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