Friday, March 25, 2011

Angry Rant #25 and a 1/2: It's just a tribute.

Sitting on this over-cluttered train everyday exposes many people to different forms of music. I hear everthing from the lastest failings of some r&b/hip hop douchebag all the way to the likes of Zep and Priest.

No Snoopy Doopy Dog here.

However my problem lies with those that listen to r&b...loudly, on their phones...almost as if they are proclaiming to the world "Hey! I like r&b and everyone on this train should listen to it too"

Unfortunatley, listening to hip hip makes about as much sense as this picture does...

Or maybe this one too....

But yes, just keeping it brief till I've finished writing #26.

Don't believe the lies and spin.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Angry Rant #25: It's pronounced "Nu-cle-ar"

Looks like the Pacific Plate's been having a bit of a party in recent months.

And everyone's invited.

Most recently is the earthquake/tsunami combo that's hit Japan's east coast pretty hard. I'm not all for guess-tamations, but to say that at least 12,000 people would have died would be pretty accurate. That's 12,000 from the earthquake and the tsunami alone - compared to the 1 death that was caused by one of the nuclear power plants exploding.

Where were you this time buddy?

But it seems that the nuclear angle is the ONLY angle when it comes to Japan - never mind the thousands of people trapped under 10m of mud and water from the 9.1 magnitude earthquake - we should all be scared of the impending nuclear meltdown in Japan.

...because shit will hit this puppy.

The push by the media to create this fear-mongering has allowed a bunch of anti-nuclear protesters to grab this story by the nuts as a massive 'I told you so'.

"I told you maaaan. Nuclear ain't the way to go!!!" - Conservative hippy

I did some calculations on the numbers I mentioned earlier, and I've come to the conclusion that the earthquake/tsunami combo is far more life-threatening than any nuclear outbreak by a factor of about...

12,000 to 1

So when I hear about the supposed trajectory of these radioactive clouds, and fires, and stories of "Modern-day Samurais", I  try to think why our good ol' buddies in the media are doing this for.

 And then it hit me...

Pictured from Right to Left: Douchebags. 

It seems to me that the media is treating every crisis like an episode of the Jersey Shore - that being it's the same repetitive stuff over and over again until they find something that they can flesh out for three episodes. So if there's a new angle then they'll latch on it faster than Donkey did with Shrek. Then of course is all the advertising and marketing organisations who are trying to get a piece of the action.

Of course this entirely my opinion, and for me, the media has cried wolf one too many times.

Don't believe the lies and spin.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Angry Rant #24: Ain't whatcha' used to be!

Pauline Hanson.
The name itself instills enough negative energy in me for me to power a small bar fridge so that people may drink an assortment of beverages whilst having a good time at a house party for the whole night.
...and a barbeque too. 

There are two types of people that have become apparent in this Pauline Hanson 'I'm like John Farnhnam' comeback:
1. Those who won't touch her name on a ballot paper with a 10ft ballot name touching poll
2. Those that think that she acts the way that most people think.
It would be nice to think that we're all happy-multicultural-embracing hippies who chill out and listen to jimi hendrix while smoking pot, but the fact of the matter is that we generally aren't. In fact, I'd be pretty confident in saying that everyone in this country has at some stage in their life, made or laughed at a racist joke. But in all fairness, this nation is built on people taking the piss out of one another. That's what happens when we have so many different people from different backgrounds mixing together. We live in a multi-ethic country, so to wish for a multicultural one would be like trying to find a story in Avatar.
James: Hey Sam, Look! A squirrel! Sam: That's so awesome!!"
So with so many different kinds of people who live in this country and for Hanson to come out and say that Australia isnt the place that it used to be, is not only ignorant and stupid, but affirming the fact that she has no idea what the words "to be Australian" are.
Her perception of what the average Australian is so massively distorted that I find it hard to believe that she could even challenge the NSW seat. Is she not aware that her country was built on immigrants - not Australians?
It's those damn immigants.

Or does she think that we should live in a society full of people with blonde hair and blue eyes? I am trying to understand where this perception came from. I could take the easy route and blame western media for creating the perception that all western people, or all Australians, when put together, look like a scene from Home and Away, which is what I believe she thinks. But I think about the hatred that she has for non-Anglo-Saxons and I think to myself, what the fuck are you doing? Why are you trying to run a multi-ethnic state? Look at you??!

Nom nom nom

There is only one reason as to why she's trying to have a stab at the top-job in NSW - she's flat broke. Either that or just stupid. We all just know how GREAT this state has been run by the current Puppet Premier, Kristina Keneally, whose pockets are probably very heavy since she began her little stint in office. Lets just hope Barry O'Farrell gets it right, otherwise we are royally screwed.

But until then...

Pauline Hanson - find a nice quiet place, preferably the Monster Island Penisular - and stay there.

Don't believe the lies and spin.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Angry Rant #23: It can only go up from here!

So apparently all throughout the Middle-East shit is happening - but we're talking about here is the good sort of shit. The kind where the people rise up against the powers that be and stand up for what they believe in. Now since Gaddaffi bombed his own people in Tripoli, western societies have pulled their heads out of the sand and all of the sudden things look serious - not because of the fact that the Libyan Leader is killing people in his own country, but because oil prices will rise (this is a bad thing for any country that runs on fossil fuels *cough* the US *cough*).

"Wait, what's going on?"

What happens in Libya is going to be a little snap shot of what could happen if another uprising occurs in Saudi Arabia - a single disturbance there could destabilize western economies faster than you can say "Fuck. I need petrol!". This comes down to one thing and one thing only - fear. And not you're regular "I'm scared of anyone wearing a burqa" fear, but the fear of not being able to support an economy. But here's a thought - what happens if things do get bad in Saudi Arabia (i.e. the people stand up against their totalitarian governments and religiously motivated dictators?)

This might be getting a bit too symbolic...

It almost seems to me as if that these supposed "world powers" are actually supporting these regimes because they inactively maintain the status-quo. I keep seeing the same contradiction over and over again - up front we support what the people in the Middle-East are doing but the heads of our countries won't do anything because they are aware of the consequences that it will have on the petrol/gas economy.

Enough said.
Now you'd think that something as important as this would make headlines everynight - but you know why it isn't? We are being forced into a false sense of security - fossil fuels are non-renewable. One day we will eventually run out, but no - we are too busy getting mouth fulls of some idiotic footy player punching some other idiot and some  girl who sucks CEOs off for money then rats them out!!

Jack doesn't like rats either.

Honestly, where the hell is the journalism industry headed? Why do world super powers only care about their own arse? Why was Hayden Christensen chosen to play anakin in the Star Wars prequels??

"I can't act - you know it, I know it..and even my cat does, but fuck me, I love the money!"

Take it as you will.

Don't believe the Lies and Spin