Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Angry Rant #46: "Oh yeah, I wonder how all those people are going..."

Do you remember...

The Christchurch earthquake?
The tsunami in South-East Asia?
The Japanese quake AND Tsunami?

Are you aware that 750,000 people could die from starvation in East Africa in the next two months?

It's easy to forget these disasters that killed and are still killing thousands upon thousands of people, when mainstream media avoids it like the proverbial plague. Journalists sit around in their offices, waiting for the next press release to come in from AAP or Reuters or some other news wire, waiting for something to write about.

They think to themselves - "Should I write about death and destruction in a world full of it or do I report on the birth of a new baby Elephant at Taronga Zoo?" What do they classify as news and how do they find out what people want to read about?


I know that I regularly hack on the media for a lot of different things - from beefing up news stories, to just plainly making shit up or shameless plugging something. Now, don't think that this is turning into some sappy "I have changed my views on the media" because I haven't - if anything, I'm more disgraced by what they do. I more disgraced by the fact that the media industry is seen as a business, compared to something that actually informs the public - and doesn't try to sell them anything.

Now bear with me here!


I completely understand that the media industry is a business. Journalists write because they enjoy what they do, but also because they need to money to live - even if that means doing something or writing something that don't completely agree with.

Except Peter Overton - he's just a plain ol' fucktard.
I also understand that the media industry believes that for something to be "news" it needs to be "new". But because the media industry has such a large influence over what the people think, I can't help but get worked up when I see "news" programs trying to sell me something or when they misinform people.

You might be wondering why I'm writing this today and honesty, it wasn't because I saw something in the news today that reminded me of those natural disasters, but because the "anniversary" of 9/11 is coming up and I keep hearing it being described as the "World's Greatest Tragedy".

Let's not forget, in a world full of Americanization, the MLB is called the
"World Series".
I very much doubt there will ever be a "10th Anniversary" for the Japanese Tsunami. It's just a thought I've been having, take it as you will.

Don't believe the lies and spin.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Angry Rant #46: AGAIN with the beef.

And....we're rolling.

It's seems mainstream media hasn't changed in my month off. The media still spins things blindly out of proportion in an effort to keep viewers watching and their sponsors happy - not to mention all of the advertising that occurs in their12-hour coverage - think Jessica Watson and her boat.

Channel Nine Reporter: "'s the weather?"
Jessica: "It's ok, but let's not rock the boat."... (crickets)
When it comes bomb threats, you know there are going to be helicopters buzzing around the joint all trying to catch a glimpse of that first explosion - trying to get a those perfect pictures. If someone is acting erratically the media feels that it's up to them to try and figure out why - even if that why only comes down to two options:
  1. Extremist Muslim
  2. Bomb threat.
So when it comes to the crazy guy running around Parramatta acting..well...crazy, you have to wonder why exactly he's doing it. That's the first thing - not, "the guy has a bomb" even when police haven't confirmed that it even was a bomb threat or even if he has someone hostage!! They jump to conclusions, they write provocative headlines and they lie to their readers and viewers.

Meanwhile, fat news directors sitting in their expensive leather arms chairs add fuel to the fire by adding eye witness accounts of people on the street and turning what they think is going on into Fact. They sit there and scream...

More time, more money, more cameras, more people, more viewers, more sponsors, more advertising, more worry, more fear, more hate, more spending, more money.

The media industry in this country needs to be turned up-side down and all the loose change needs to be shaken out.

Don't believe the lies and spin.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Angry Rant #45: Skinny, as she goes.

Alex Perry came out today in quite some style - accusing an 18-year-old girl of being "over-stuffed luggage."

"Whom might this girl be?" I hear you ask. Well, this is a picture of the girl below:

"Over-stuffed luggage"
I've said it before and I'll say it again - ANYONE who works in the industry and is so obsessed with body image is a disgrace. Alex Perry needs to take a very long walk off a very short plank in pit of fire from which he can burn for thinking that he alone can judge what looks good and what doesn't, all the while filing the minds of young women in this country with the idea that being thin isn't thin enough.

I look at the picture of this girl above and I try to understand what he thinks his idea of perfection is. In fact, his idea of perfection DOESN'T exist. He's constructed this idea within his own mind based on years upon years of manipulation by a sexually driven media and advertising industry. What exactly does this Perry filth deem to be attractive? Do women with their bones showing acting like walking clothes hangers do it for him? Women in this day and age are used to sell goods - they are not seen as women, but as tools to line the pockets of rich CEO's and self-obsessed fashion designers.

I say women, not models, because the idea that being skinny and flaunting their sexuality is not just something limited to the catwalk. Young women take on his perceptions of what women should look like and, in turn, try to be like the models portrayed by buying the same expensive clothes and trying emulate everything that they do - including being overtly thin.

Here's one prick I'd be happy to hear that dies a horrible fiery death tomorrow

So how do we change this? Stop buying clothing labelled with his name? Voice our opinion on blogs or his websites? Protest an his fashion shows? He did apparently tweet his apology saying that her "posing skills" where like "over-stuffed luggage" and that his insults had nothing to do with her weight.


Nice try.

I guess it's a hard issue to combat when even the leading women's magazines in this country are just as focused on how thin women are and creating perfection where it doesn't exist. It's difficult to combat when the person on the front cover of their magazine is seen as item of clothing.

My thoughts on the issue? Boycott this pathetic excuse for human being and hope his next plane ride has a lot turbulence. Women should be treated like human beings - and not like this.

Don't believe the lies and spin.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Raging on #44 - The commenting revolution.

This was a brilliant comment on the last post I did that was good enough for it's own post! You can read the original post here.

Religion - the accepted insanity. 


I can not, and will not ever be able to comprehend what some people can justify as "right". If you can murder, discriminate and hurt others in the name of an imaginary man who created the world and himself, then you must be smoking crack. It will never be clear to we atheists, what can possibly make somebody believe a nonsense story about walking on water or a story about a man who lived in a whale. Honestly? And to use this story to justify immoral acts, and to 'kick out' somebody who tried to make a stand..... What can we say? What can we do, when a large fraction of the world is delusional?

If you call yourself a Christian how can you say that you don't tolerate prejudice, hate, inequality, when the very foundations of christianity (the bible) features so many incidents including these elements?

I dont understand it. But I do however, understand, that when people such as Peter Kennedy are "kicked out" they must be doing something good (see the SMH story HERE) There is NO evidence for religion, but you can't talk to some of these people when their minds are so corrupted because they won't see reasoning - and that's a fact!

I'm not going to try and change your opinion, because there will simply be no changing mine.



Thursday, July 28, 2011

Angry Rant #44: So you want to be a good person?

Dismissed because he promoted "Equality" and the Church can't have that! 

You might have seen that story that went buzzing around a little earlier today about that Catholic Priest, Father Peter Kennedy who was dismissed from the church back in 2009 for among other things, feeling that men and women should be equal. The other things include, calling the story of Jesus a "fable" and blessing same-sex marriage.

So here is person who believes that everyone, no matter what sex you are or race, says people should be equal. So why do other idiot Christians like Fred Nile (Christian Version of muslim extremist) get away with saying that Islam is immoral when their own religion does the same thing? Then, they cut those out of the picture that say otherwise?

I wonder how much longer it will take for these people to finally wake up to themselves and truly see the world through their own eyes and not distorted by the words of some misogynisticcontradictory, anti-democratic story written by a bunch of power-hungry men who wanted more control.

Kennedy makes a pretty valid point however - if God is some all powerful being, can do everything and knows how we think, then why did he CHOOSE not to save the lives of innocent children? If all life is sacred, then why did he allow kids to be shot up and left to bleed to death under his so called control?

If you believe in God and believe that some "all powerful being" controls your life, then you, just to put it bluntly, are a fool. Your mind has been played with - seeing the world to you must be like trying to focus on your hand underwater - I feel sorry for you - and I stand by this.

Any group, person, being or whatever other collective that promotes inequality and violence in return for "salvation" is morally wrong. Religion in all of its many shapes and forms is just simply wrong. You want to be good person? Become an atheist and treat everyone with respect and equality that they deserve.

...and lets not forget that Anders Behring Breivik, the man who murdered 76 people over the weekend in Norway was also a Christian and did it because hates Islam.

Here's a little parting quote from Max Born to get you thinking (Kudos to MC): 

   "The belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it, seems to me the deepest root of all evil in this world"

Try and change my opinion - I dare you just to have go.

Dont believe the lies add spin.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Angry Rant #43: We can't swim today, the water's too wet.

With the anti-smoking lobby’s jumping for joy over their recent victories in the smoking industry and the failure that will be the plain packaging, a  “voluntary industry scheme” by the Alcohol industry will from now on put warning labels on their products.
What company in their right mind would try to actively discourage you from consuming their product? They’re trying to make people drink healthier? That’s what it’s being spun as it’s not in any way trying to reduce the amount of alcohol consumed in this country because that would be impossible. If anything, it will encourage younger people to drink.
The keyword that keeps hitting me in the face is “voluntary”. I mean who is sucking whose dick here?  What possible motives would the alcohol industry in Australia have behind such a venture, because the labels will only affect local beers, so your binge of Coronas with lemon at the end of the month will be untouched. It’s interesting to note also that when it comes to the topic of smoking, there have been no studies proving that warning labels actually stop people from doing it. In fact, it has encouraged cheaper, more toxic cigarette imports to be sold in the country because it’s easier to produce the plain packaging. According to a study released by Deloitte, 1 in 12 cigarettes is a cheap import and isn’t subject to the strict guidelines that we have here. When it comes to the warning label on alcohol itself, what person would even read it? And why? It can’t possibly be targeted at adults because it won’t stop us from drinking and it can’t be targeted at children because they don’t read anything! It’s failure in its most pure form.
As opposed to pure WIN.
Perhaps the dictatorship that runs this country is to blame. Anti-smoking lobbies “pressured” the government into the new cigarette laws, but who’s to say that it wasn’t a push from some fascist Nazi? What if this push is being backed by some power behind the curtain? There’s already a filter in place on our internet that stops us viewing whatever websites the government CHOOSES and doesn’t tell us what they are - Google “Australian Internet Filter” and see how many results you get that are relevant.
We live in a society that is ripping itself a part through censorship and fear. A walk through Sydney will show you this with its many, many security cameras at every intersection tracking our every move and watching people latch onto their bags when they pass a group of “Muslims” because they think they’re going to blow you up or beat you up an take all of your belongings.
It’s mostly due to constant media and political spin, it seems that we are not able to care for ourselves so someone must do it for us. Someone must tell us that speeding is dangerous so revenue raising and accident-causing cameras can be installed. Someone has to tell us sitting down, breathing or simply existing will give us cancer and that apparently thinking too much can actually give you wrinkles.

Ahe ha! Ahe ha! 
So what does the future hold for this country controlled by power-hungry elites who are only focused on their own personal gain? Your guess is as good as mine - maybe blogs like this will be taken down and the people behind the prosecuted for their beliefs.
Don’t believe the lies and spin.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Angry Rant #42: Default! Default! Default!

So who is your preferred Prime Minister?

That's the big question that's been going around today and has been answered by yet another pole.  Abbott the Idiot Christian or the pigeon-like, backstabbing Julia bitch-face?

And the results are in - if you don't know, I've added the picture of the winner below.

Although Julia had knife handy, it wasn't enough
to stop the rampaging Christian
Preferred Prime Minister? What were these people smoking? And WHO the hell were they? What types of people voted? Were they people who shamelessly supported the liberal party? That's the only way something as awful as this could actually happen.

"The Survey" is never a true representation of what people think. A select group of people can not truly express the viewpoint of an entire nation.

Take this analogy for example: You have a box full of 50 blue marbles and 50 red marbles. You ask 3 people to each pull 10 marbles out. By freak chance, 30 red marbles are pulled out - so does this mean that the box only contains red marbles? Of course not - it just means that none of the blue marbles where chosen.


Whenever I see a news poll or a survey that works in the same way, I can't help but scrutinize how the result came to be. You never hear of the type of person who voted or what their current situation is, or under what conditions they voted in. I don't believe that Australian's prefer Tony Abbott as Prime Minister.

Who's to say they didn't just keep refreshing the browser?
Maybe that select group of people just hate him less and wouldn't necessarily vote for him compared TO the pigeon lady, but no, stupid mainstream media seems to think that Australians prefer Tony Abbott as Prime Minister.

I didn't vote in that poll, did you? 

Although I'd vote in this one.

What's even worse is the kind of influence a poll like this (not the girls above you pervert) can have. If people think that Abbott and the Liberals will win the next election because everyone A.K.A  that "tiny group of people in the poll" says so, what's to stop them? That's exactly what happened with the NSW State Elections - people hated on the Kristina Keneally and Labor Party and people just listened and voted (not that that was a bad thing, but I'm just using it to illustrate my point).

What kind of Democracy offers you only two real options when voting?

Don't believe the lies and spin


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Angry Rant #41: Next stop, North Korea.

So it's done. Telstra and Optus, the two largest Telcos in Australia will start blanketing us in censorship next month. Firstly starting with Child Pornography, then will probably escalate to censor such things such as euthanasia and abortion because our extremist Christian leaders feel that because they believe in God, they feel it up to them to tell the masses what's good and what's bad - in fact, they think it's their God-given right to tell us how to think.

Censorship in Australia WILL NOT WORK.

How can these people, who aren't even elected by the masses, get into power and start spitting ideas around like this? The fuck head in question is this prick:

Stephen Conroy - One person I'd be happy to hear that he died from heart failure.
The internet "filter" and the censorship minister in charge are trying to prevent Children from accessing what he feels is "unwanted" on the internet. That's his view. He thinks that we are all children and that we need someone to take care of our internet privileges. He seems to think that all Australians are sadistic psychos who watch violent films and are addicted to child porn.

If you're not insulted by this, then something is wrong with you.

The elephant in the room here that isn't being discussed is the fact that Stephen Conroy is a Christian. A devout, Roman Catholic, I-believe-in-Jesus-and-everything-else-that-the-misogynistic-hated-filled-bible tells-me, Christian.

...And let's not forget, they called this GOOD Friday

Lets get one thing straight. I don't give care what you believe in. I couldn't less. I means so little to me that I even find it even hard to write. Believe in Jesus, believe in God, or Buddha, or Mohammed or little green aliens who came down and gave power to humanity - whatever you want. Just keep that shit yourselves.

We have seen what happens when religious people get into power - just look at Iran. These religious fascists get control of things, in the case, the entire internet, and can block things that they and their archaic religion don't believe in or whatever isn't in their best interests.

When it comes to the censor itself, it's an even greater fail than he is. I've been running about my soon-to-be censored internet, getting the opinions of tech gurus and I've gathered the following points:

  1. The filter will block URLs only and not websites - change the URL and the site becomes free to view.
  2. We won't know what's being filtered (unless someone from Hungry Beast goes undercover.)
  3. The criteria for which websites will be compared to, will also be kept a secret.
  4. Discussions about P2P filtering is also under way
  5. Internet speed will plummet.
  6. Telstra, Optus and two major ISPs (most likely TPG and iiNet) will start the roll out so this will effect essentially everyone and there is nothing at this stage that can be done to stop them from doing it.
Jennifer Dudley-Nicholson is a journalist for the Courier Mail in Brisbane who raged about the censorship here. In the last piece of the article she uses the term "slippery slope" in regards to the filter being implemented - meaning there is a possibility for it to slide in the general direction of China. Obviously, this if far off, but now that the hard part for them is over, they can censor whatever they want, whenever they can, without anyone ever having to know!

Australia - now a part of the Totalitarian society.

I also found another piece written by Duncan Riley from The Inquisitr that's well worth the read and goes into much more detail, which you can check out here.

Democracy? I'd spit in the face of any politician who thinks this is democratic.
Fuck this government and fuck their money-driven Christian views 

Viva la revolution.

Don't believe the lies and spin. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Angry Rant #40: Someone's all shaken up...

I had a conversation with someone close to me a few days ago that really got me thinking. It was about the recent earthquake in Christchurch which happened a couple of days ago, in fact it was two small 4.5 and 5 magnitude quakes. The conversation was pretty minimal, but the words that were used by that person were these ones "...something's happening."

Read it again. Something's happening.


Actually, what happened was an earthquake in a part of the world that always has earthquakes. Continental and Oceanic plates caress each other until one has had enough and punches the other brutally in the face. This is what happened when the big one hit Christchurch in February and it happened with the Japanese Quake and Tsunami, with Haiti, with Chile or anywhere else on this planet where people live in these hot zones, and someone now thinks we're all going to die because the extreme natural disasters keep on occurring.

Just in this month of June alone, there has been 53 recorded earthquakes with a magnitude of 3 and up. That's 14 single earthquakes just this week and 954 earthquakes since the start of this year.

Years gone by, it has been exactly the same.

So, "something's happening" is it? Is it? What is it?

The sky...

Under out feet isn't solid mass - currents of molten rock continually move and spin causing the relatively thin tectonic plates to shift and volcanoes to unleash their rage - that's what happened with Mt Vesuvius and with Krakatoa and they went crazy hundreds of fucking years ago and killed everyone.

So what's changed significantly enough for someone to say that "something's happening"? Two things:

1. Population growth
2. A mainstream media that feeds off fear.
3. Christian Extremists/2012 bullshit

Now of course, the end of the world hasn't just been predicted by these two groups, but every other religious group on this planet that is hellbent on seeing it be destroyed.  When I talk about mainstream media, I'm sure that if there was a camera crew and some wanker that looked like Peter Overton present when Mt Vesuvius blew it's face off, no doubt that they would use it to spread fear and anxiety and churn out "End of the World" nonsense faster than you can say 'money'.

I also couldn't help but notice the slight religious connotation that the "...something's happening" line had. So are you trying to say that God is behind it? Is he going to punish us for all our sins? I guess it's tough to argue with someone who believes that Noah built an ark and recused two of every animal...

Ha! Two of every animal....

Don't believe the lies and spin.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Angry Rant #39: Shock, Horror.

Top news story of the week - "Dedicated Soldier, Husband and Father, dies fighting for his mates in a country that he shouldn't be in fighting for a cause that I don't even think he knows about after being told that if he doesn't, we'll be left screwed when we get invaded by North Korea."

Royally Screwed.

It's a different view, I'll give you that much, but it's not a view that's ever discussed. Wayne Swan even came out in the statement to the media and said "we're staying", in reference to the death of another soldier - but they died because they were told to go and fight. The Government are the ones who promote joining the army as something that is noble and patriotic when really it's just giving people a license to kill anything wearing a Turban so that the big older brother, *cough* THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA *cough* will keep us on their good side.

As terrible as war is, death is something that naturally comes with it. You can't have a war without someone dying - it's illogical - u
nless it's a flame war. Those are brutally non-lethal and rob you of your dignity.

Why do I get the sense that people feel surprised by the death of another soldier? The toll for US troops who have died exceeds our number of 29 by a little over 1200. If anything, the Australian troops are lucky there haven't been more. I usually hear this response though - "they're on a peace keeping mission" a.k.a the nice way to say we're killing people, but because we're better equipped with our enemy, we shouldn't expect our soldiers to die.

Peace keeping mission eh?

Peace Keeping - now with added Machine Guns!

If you're a soldier, in a war where thousands of people are being killed, and bullets flying around everywhere and IEDs at every intersection, someone will, unfortunately, eventually bite the bullet.

If Australian soldiers are still there in following months and our awful full of shit Prime Minister is seen "crying because of it" sit back and think that the solider died because YOU sent them there and YOU used manipulative recruitment tactics to make said solider join and fight for your mysterious cause.

More lies, more spin... *sigh*


Monday, May 30, 2011

Angry Rant #38: I'll Carbon your tax.

Have you seen it? 

You know, the Ad with Cate Blanchett advertisting the benefits of the Carbon Tax that our douche bag illustrious leader, Julia Gillard is trying to put through? You know the one where they don't really have any idea of how to implement it, or the effects that it will have on the population? You know the one where the the wealthier people in our society get off fairly easily, but the hard-working Australian's will get slugged with the bill because the Government just can't stop fucking up? You know the one right?

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Dr Zaius?
Nooooo! You know the one!

It's the Ad that talks about taxing large companies and the Federal Labor Government will use it's "higher revenue streams" as a way of "selling" this Tax to the people to minimize carbon emissions! Yes, they are selling this. This is what advertising is for. Private companies couldn't care less about this Carbon Tax and it will force these companies to put up their prices - that's any company that in some way, shape or form, releases Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere - They will raise their prices on everything....

So all of them? 

on 24.

 Here's the ad under my spotlight:

Besides the dark ominous clouds, and black smoke pouring out from the coal-fired plant in the background, much like Eyjafjallajokull did a couple of years ago and Grimsvton last week - everything that is said in the Ad is very much politically-driven spin, used as a means to make more money and pay for the $300,000 super that the next 3 idiot Prime Ministers will have.

From the Ad, I have concluded that these are the points that they're trying to make:
  1. CO2 is a black, smoky gas (not a clear one that science has proven) and that a decrease in the level of CO2 will make the skies clearer and make birds sing more. 
  2. It will have health benefits for our already fat, sugar-junkie children.
  3. People are the main causes of Carbon pollution, even though 97% of the WORLD'S carbon emissions are from nature.
  4. Wind and Solar options for electricity are a good option, but are only available to people like Cate Blanchett and rich oil tycoons from Saudi Arabia with golden Cadillac's that fire Anti-Democracy missiles.
  5. Giving the government more money to fix a problem that they had, if endorsed by celebrities, it's totally fine - which leads onto the next point...
  6. If a celebrity says it, it must be true and...
  7. If you're a celebrity and you have a private jet, it's ok to fly around the world, polluting the atmosphere, telling everyone just how green your thumb is and openly criticize the very thing that got you there.
To be honest, I was quite surprised that they didn't use Al Pacino or George Clooney or some other sell-out for this awful campaign. But Cate Blanchett? Michael Caton? Some weirdly-placed old person? Here's what I think you, our beloved leaders of spin and what our drop-in-and-out Australian celebrities should do, instead of making it sound "cool" to pay a tax - pay attention now...


Seriously. Might move to Sweden, where, surprisingly, the sun shines because the skies there are not black and carbon-riddled or look like that scene from the Matrix.

Don't Believe the Lies and Spin. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Angry Rant #37: "I'm being Super-cereal!"

I can't believe this.

Writing twice in the one week about the same topic. I must seriously be pissed off with this guy.

That's right Harold! - It takes one idiot with an Archaic, misogynistic
book to scare a whole population of people who believe in the horseshit that
 it bangs on about! Clever Clever!

For those living under a rock, Harold Camping predicted the end of the world in 1994 and was wrong. Last week he was wrong and today has come out saying that his calculations were off by 5 months and we'll all be dying in October.

Freedom of Speech is not a system without it's flaws - that's proven with idiots like this, Lars Von Trier and anything said or done by J.J. Abrams. Sure, people can say whatever the hell they want, whenever the hell they want, but why is this making the news? If these hardcore Christian fundamentalists want to die so fucking badly, let them. Let them huddle together in a little circle sometime in October, praying to be "taken to heaven" - But you know what?

We're not dying any time soon and, unfortunately, they aren't either.

So crazy Christians who believe in this crap - perhaps ritual suicide will bring you closer to God where you can enjoy your heaven and everything you want. Stop releasing press statements to and arguably, more stupid Media industry, who is acting just as mindlessly as some idiot watching back-to-back episodes about that tv show that discusses Shores being in Jersey.

Here's a list of some other idiots and their predictions (courtesy of Just proves how stupid people really are:

1. Followers of William Miller believed the world would end on October 22, 1844 
2.The Jehovah's Witness religion has predicted the end of the world in 1914, 1915, 1918, 1920, 1925, 1941, 1975 and 1994. 
3. Charles Wesley, founder of the Methodist Church, predicted the world would end in 1794. 
4. Famous forecaster Nostradamus predicted doomsday would happen in July 1999. 
5. English mystic Joanna Southcott predicted the world would end on October 19, 1814, when she gave birth to the Messiah.
 Read more here

I hereby vow to never again talk about Harold Camping (unless he - of course - dies).

Here's a video from the seventies I've attached for your amusement.

Don't believe the lies and spin.


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Angry Rant #36: "Who is your Daddy and what does he do?"

Ranting..... GO!

Arnie is doing what any animal in the wild would do - screw as many members of the opposite sex as possible and spread his Arnie genetics like butter. In fact, if Arnie was say...a lion in the wild, or the polar bear from Lost or perhaps even this:

What a handfull that would be...

...then he is just doing what nature intended. It's natural selection. Only the strongest survive and multiply - or the ones on the most steroids...or ones the screwing the most mexican women in an effort to keep his bloodline strong.

Some of you may think Arnie was a family man, you know, someone who loved his wife, Maria Shriver, very much - but here's a few points I've put together:
  1. Maria is related to the Kennedy family. 
  2. Arnie becomes Governor of California 
  3. Arnie's term ends
  4. Arnie's marriage terminates (pun intended baby)
Cynical? Perhaps. But if you're a women marrying Arnold "The fucking Terminator" Schwarzenegger, expect some children in the back catalogue and mysterious amounts of money disappearing from the bank account going to "charity".

She either wanted to be one if those women, is stupid, or maybe was trying to get some lucrative TV deal where she gets to host her own show funded by Oprah because she feels sorry for her position -

"Here! Have a car! Just buy all of my products afterwards or I'll take it back!"

Good luck Arnie and Maria, "May you be fruitful and multiply" - Genesis 1:28.

Don't believe the lies and spin.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Angry Rant #35: This is the End of the World... again? Fucking really?

The world will end in 6 billion years when our beloved Star which gave this planet life will burn up all of it's Hydrogen and Helium then rapidly expand because it will begin burning Iron, engulfing our little blue and green marble and heating the very atoms that make up our being into total oblivion, before sinking back in on itself to produce a white dwarf. Every last bit of evidence that proves that we existed will be wiped from the arse of the galaxy that is the Milky Way -  Billions of years of evolution gone in the blink of eye - but this won't happen until then and not May 20.

Take that you extremist bible-loving morons!

Although a Zombie apocalypse would be kind of cool (loads shotgun)

If someone is basing their version of the end of the world on a 2000-year-old book, then they have some serious problems. Then if you base your prediction on something that was scribbled into a rock, you have an even greater problem -You literally have to be twisted  if you think that the world will end on May 20. Have the doomsday idiots taken into account that there always TWO days on earth at the one time? Will we all die today and then tomorrow our flip-side will?

Numbers are funny little things - when they work their way deep into the minds of people and their extremist ideas, they can make them think all kinds of things. Take Harold Camping for example. He's a Christian Radio Broadcaster from California who uses the bible to predict dates (yes plural) that the end of the world could occur on. I have detailed something similar to what he does below:

5+6 = 9; 9 + 24 = 33; 33/3 = 11; 11-6 = 5; 5 x 4 = 20 + (his favourite month, May)

Therefore: On May 20, something CATASTROPHIC will happen. Stupid God-loving idiots. If you would like to read Harold's actual method of madness, click here.

Maybe it's the end of the world......for him.
Predicting the dates is a very neutral thing - so why do these people always put a negative spin on the outcome of something that they know nothing about? Why can't something good happen tomorrow like finding a cure for cancer, or AIDS or coming up with some unlimited source of energy which has zero impact on the environment? Maybe instead of flying guided-missiles at each other, we starting shooting food and hungry people in Ethiopia.Why are all those God-bothering idiots so negative and stupid?

You step back and you realize that religion, in it's simplest form, is the problem. It's the reason why people go to war and kill each other. Then of course the constant crusading to the Middle-East to help "unite" the people by killing innocents and stealing their natural resources, then selling barrels of the black gold at some high price, so that some soccer-mum in the US will have something to complain about while she fills up her SUV.

"Hey there! Want to know how many innocent people
died so I can fill this baby? Call 555-418..."

After all this crap finishes, we have to deal, yet again, with the Mayan's End of the World prediction. Why are some people so focused on the destruction of humanity? Live everyday of your life like it's your last and avoid people who want you dead, or talk about you dying, like the fucking plague.

Don't believe the lies and spin.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Angry Rant #34: A Bridge not far enough!

Yes, the Harbour Bridge gets closed off and everyone is angry because some guy is protesting about not being able to see his children – If every other parent in the same position did the same thing, that bridge would never be open. However, I do think he was protesting for good cause. 

But here’s a question – how can one man shut down a city? How - not why - but how?

Then when you step back and look at the state of the transport system, so roads and rail, and try and think of a reasonable explanation, you think for a little bit…you keep thinking…and then it hits you. You can sum up travelling to Sydney to anyone not from Sydney by using the following picture:

So now our newly appointed premier, Barry O’Farrell, is looking into the issue of how someone climbed to the top of the Harbour Bridge – it’s almost mind boggling to think how a person could get up there with so much security!....

Fat Man with Camera: Look at those protestors
 on the Opera House... that's SO Greenpeace. 

I've have walked along this bridge a few times - on the entire stretch of the Harbour Bridge, I saw three security guards. Three of them - and somehow Barry O'Farrell is surprised that someone got to the top by simply climbing it. 

Yes I know, he was driving on the Bridge itself before climbing it, but then what's the point of having security guards on the walk way if people can just stop their cars and climb the damn thing whenever they feel like? Then for that one man to shut down an entire city by simply climbing one bridge proves how fucked up the planning was of this city. 

Could you imagine if there was a terrorist attack in Sydney? I have thought about this for a few minutes, keeping in mind what one man can do, and then found a aerial picture to illustrate what I think would happen if a bomb went off somewhere in Sydney.

Or at the least, a late train. 

If there was a terrorist attack, I'd be waiting 3 hours to get my bread and milk from the IGA in Broken Hill. I'd be waiting in line for 2 hours at a Liquor Land for my rum somewhere in the church and bank-riddled Adelaide. I'd be waiting another hour for my flight in Perth....

You get the idea.

Australia would be so unprepared for any terrorist attack that it's laughable when the people running this country talk about updating security. Luckily, nobody else on this planet knows where Australia is, or cares what we think. Hooray for our non-existent country! 

Don't believe the lies and spin.


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Angry Rant #33: 10 out of 10 for that Swan dive!

So, the news story of the day? Wayne Swan's tiny little baby surplus and getting more people to work will cover Labor's political fuck-up of introducing a bunch of new taxes that the government has no idea how they're going to work or any way of actually implementing them because they've pissed all of our money up against a wall - and now they want us to pay for their mistakes.

(Overly-sarcastic Bill Hicks laugh here)

*Picture from file. 

The big spin here is that he is motivating more people to work and getting people to think "more positively" about life, taking careful note that it is very well placed spin used as a way of getting people who work, angry about the people on welfare, taking their attention away from the new taxes - like that crazy magician you watched one time and your head hurt trying to think of how he did it.

...How fucking awesome is that guy?


Just like regular spin, Swany, Julia and their army of liars will be looking at a surplus from this little venture of....wait for it.... $3.5 billion or 0.2% of the whole entire countries output in a year OR a drop in ocean compared to the $22.6 billion deficit we had last year. That's right. DEFECIT! Expect to be seeing more "cuts" in the near future - Labor wants to get back into power at the end of 2013 and the easiest way for them to do that is cut funding - so when the next election comes around and they magically have the economy going
"strong", it's not because they know what they're doing, they just haven't spent ANY BLOODY MONEY - they don't care about Australia - just their own, ignorant, salary-driven views and getting back into power.

But is the alternative is any better? (Do I really need to answer that?)
SIDE NOTE: How can this be a democracy if there are only to sides of Parliament to vote for? And no, The Shooter's party doesn't count because any person or group of people who think that introducing "guns" as a topic in schools is clearly mentally unstable.

So if there is no money being generated, and welfare people have continued to avoid working all this time and will probably continue to do so, and there has been nothing coming from the government as to how all this will actually work, then why the fuck are they in power?

What about people who pay an arm and leg for Uni? People on disability pensions? Here's an idea an you dumbshits - How about cuts to the pay-out that the politicians get after they leave politics? How about instead of receiving $300,000+ per-year pension for doing nothing and forcing people to work at the minimum wage to pay for that pension? In fact, why should anyone pay for that pension? They should pump that money straight back into the surplus and fix the hospital system instead of spending millions on implementing some heavily censored broadband network that WILL JUST NEVER HAPPEN.

UPDATE: Today, (May 12, 2011) Wayne Swan on ABC radio this morning could not specify the last time surplus was achieved by Labor. Immediately afterwards, he broke a glass full of water, in an effort to do the same thing that the magician did in above, but also proving just how much of a fucking idiot he is.

"Oh shit, I'm screwed."

Fuck me, this government is stupid.

Viva la revolution.

Don't believe the lies and spin.