Thursday, December 23, 2010

Angry Rant #16: Banana Republic?

"It's a state government that is arrogant. It refuses to deal with the public openly and honestly.''

"The people of this state will have yet another demonstration of Labor's determination to hide the truth.''

"Denial of Democracy"

- Opposition Leader Barry O'Farrell on the Labor State Government.

"So I got Kristina Keneally's head..."

Sound Familiar? I could have sworn that Julian Assange was spouting the same thing. In fact, being the leader of the Opposition, I guess he's obliged to oppose the idiotic ideas of both the Federal and State Governments. I want to start with the fact that I am in no way pro Labor or Liberal, so any bias you think I might have can be put on the window sill and given a gentle push.

Barry O'Farrell must also be obliged to take on the general perception of this State Government - which is probably a good thing. (I'm wondering why most politicians don't do this.) This whole "Denial of Democracy" idea from a 'I-Want-To-Get-Into-Power' perspective is working like charm. But I can't help but wonder WHY he's trying so hard to do so.

Let me explain - The current State Labor Government has been running NSW for the last 15 years, and wasting billions of dollars on pretty much anything, in an effort to trick people into thinking that they are actually doing something - think Avatar. But now, the people have woken up and realised that they're more twisted then a corkscrew and all the money being pissed up against the wall is...well...just that.

Public Indecency or a Political Statement?

Labor haven't done anything but run this state into the ground. With that said, why is Barry O'Farrell and the Liberal party trying so damn hard to get into power? Even if the Liberal Party sat up some beach chairs and had a 2 month booze-fest on Macquarie Street, yelling out profanities about the mothers of the Labor members walking past, they would still get into power. As awesome as that would be, if Barry O'Farrell and the Liberal Party are trying to prove to the people of NSW that the party on the other side of the fence ISN'T corrupt, they've got another thing coming. Do they really think that an inquiry into the power sell-off will actually do anything? What more could they expect to gain? People in power never go to prison - they just move to The Bahamas.

Is the next NSW Government channeling Julian Assange and his Wikileaks to make themsleves seem more people-friendly? Isn't Wikileaks' sole purpose to shake the foundations of democracy i.e. not good for them? Will the new Liberal party NOT lie to the people and waste money on pointless ventures?

"...and then I said, 'No! I am NOT interested in
 long distance savings.'"

Just some thoughts.

Don't Believe the Lies and Spin.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Angry Rant #15: Let's start a Riot!

Those bloody protesters in London! They keep on causing havoc and kicking the Royal's Car as they were driving past. What hooligans! Those young whipper snappers just keep stirring up trouble and making the riot police have to work. For Shame...

Death To Shelbyville!

Wait. What?

There was no actual coverage of the REASON these University Students were protesting? There was a reason?

The violence started after a vote by the Coalition Government to raise the basic tuition fees by three times the amount that they are now by 2012.  If that were to happen in Australia, I know I would be protesting my $100k+ fees. But it seems that the violence has overshadowed the reasons behind the protest itself. In fact, a news report on Channel Nine (not by Channel Nine, but with a London Correspondent) questioned the British Home Secretary Theresa May, whether or not Camilla, the wife of Prince Charles was "poked with a stick".

The object in question.

Poked with a Stick - This question was ACTUALLY asked. A respectable journalist thought that this was newsworthy. Why were they even driving through a riot anyway?!

Besides the fact that I couldn't care less about the Royals, pointless dumb, idiotic sub-stories like this distract people from the facts and the reasons behind the protest. The thing that really pissed me off is the fact that these "politicians" who voted FOR the rise in fees, never had to pay tuition fees themselves - that's all paid for by the English taxpayer i.e the Uni Students who work their arses off to make a living, and will now have more fees to pay. If that doesn't piss you off the most in this story, then nothing else will.

If I was an English University Student, I would be doing the exact same thing.

Don't believe the Lies and Spin.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Angry Rant #14: Wikileaks like crazy!

Wikileaks has hit the headlines again – this time in a very negative way, or at least what people are being led to believe is a very negative. Firstly, Julian Assange, the Australia guy in charge of the release of Wikileaks, has nothing to do with the leaks themselves – he is merely the medium that people on the inside use to get the information out. Now that aside, for a collection of United States Congressman to say that Assange should get the death penalty for releasing the information is not only absurd, but it proves that those that are in positions of power have had their cages rattled a bit – and it’s about bloody time.

Rattle Rattle.

If the Wikileaks we’re false, I very much doubt that these “World Powers” would be so up-in-arms about the whole issue. Do not believe the lies and spin when there is a press release from the U.S. government stating that Assange has engaged in a Cyber-attack on the U.S. – it’s the logical thing to expect when the foundations of a world power have been rocked by a little wikileaks earthquake

So what’s the spin from “World Powers”? That lives will be lost. Seems like a fair assumption, but   haven't lives been lost in the past - aren't lives being lost now? The most important leak released would be the knowledge that Saudi Arabia isn’t a happy camper it regards to Iran’s Nuclear Program, and want someone (*cough cough * U.S. *cough cough*) to “disrupt” their opertations. The program itself was sanctioned by the UN (But even the U.N. is only really run by five nations, the U.S. included, so I guess that won’t come as a surprise to most people.

Such a good album title.
This brings me to the main point of this whole argument – most of things that have been released by Wikileaks has already been known – it’s now been made official. For example,

  • The Western World is also scared of Iran’s Nuclear Program (No surprise there)
  • The U.S. thinks very little of Australia (again, no surprise
If everyone is aware of it, why are people afraid of talking about it? (Yes, there is a Harry Potter reference there, but I’ll let you figure it out)

I thought the “democratic Western-world” was supposed to be just that – democratic, i.e. run by the people. I’m a citizen, you’re a citizen, yet we are constantly left out of the equation – we are used to go and fight in wars that have very little to do with us; we are robbed of our money by the corporate world who run this planet. We make their wallets even heavier, yet there are more people that live in poverty and die in the worst conditions and are left to fend for themselves like animals. We keep the rich, rich and the poor continue to die.

The Problem.

So these “World Powers” are in charge of the world because they are morally and ethically correct? They care about the people, and never put themselves first? They do everything they can to help countries in need?


Money = Power

It’s taken a while for these countries to aquire it, and they’ll do all that is within their power to make sure that they stay on top.

Don’t surrender Julian Assange.

Don’t believe the lies and spin.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Angry Rant #13: Top Gear or No Gear?

Where has my passion for Top Gear gone? It also must have been sold off for advertising when the show made the move from SBS to Channel 9 (That damn Channel 9 likes to screw things up all the time doesn't it?... but I digress) It seems my beloved show has become nothing more than a visual blender of pointlessness. It has become a show for all three men, who understand their fame, and will do anything to stay on top.

What happened to show that used to be about fast cars and how incredible they where!?!

Jeremy, you're show doesn't blow me away anymore.
What happened to those night's where I'd sit back after a tough day in Yr 12 and watch Mythbusters, then some serious car action!! And by car action I mean super-fast cars, and not racing upside down caravans and an assortment of other idiotic pointless stunts to get media attention.

"Wait...what? So, you want to see if I can drive this underwater, crossing
the English Channel, while racing a sea lion and a flipper-wearing rabbit?"

At what point did the producers of the show think that changing the entire formula was a good idea? When they realised that their wallets would become a lot thicker? I know people directly who hate driving and everything to do with cars, but enjoy this new version of Top Gear. Where does this leave the real car fans? I don't care about them smashing cars up for the sake of smashing them up - I have Mythbusters for that. What we don't need is another variety show for the masses - I enjoyed watching Top Gear on SBS, you know back when it was about the cars - not about the hosts. It seems they have become the victim of their own fame.

I knew something was fishy here...
Even James May admitted that "It's a different programme now. It's turned into something else. It's really a sitcom now, so we are the characters" (

Bring back the old Top Gear - bring it back now

Don't believe the Lies and Spin.