Sunday, April 3, 2011

Angry Rant# 26: Religion VS Everything

Now, from the get go, I want to tell you, reader, that what you will be reading will be controversial and some of the images may disturb you - Some people maybe offended, but not in a channel 10 "this man broke his leg, change the channel or close your eyes and think about a basket full of baby orangutans and how much you'd like to cuddle them", kind of way - but if you do believe in some all mighty power, than I suggest you do close your eyes and think of a basket full of monkeys - and I'm not joking. Things are going to get serious.

Deadly serious.

If you do not wish to read a blog that essentially has a 110% disregard for religion and the atrocites that it has been associated with - past, present and future - or discussing the some of the hellish things that have been witnessed by people over the course of human history - then read something else. But if you're looking to have a meaningful discussion on what I've written, then please - read on.

In a news story this week, in regards to the NSW state elections, a story about Fred Nile and abortion came up.

This guy.

For those of you who don't know, Nile was suggesting than an ultrasound picture be taken and shown to the mother before the abortion. That's right - one of these -

Eating my breakfast didn't help in this situation, probably because I started choking on my toast when I heard it.

What can you say to that sort of thing? Do you take it on this chin and take him for the fundamentalist Christian that he is? Or do you show that people are smarter than what he thinks and don't believe in his archaic garbage that was written a couple of thousand years ago by a group of power-hungry mysoginists who were yearning for more control.

We see it time and time again - it dates back to ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt - religion is used as a conformity tool - a tool of oppression to keep people on someone's version of the "straight and narrow". It's used to keep the poor, poor and used to make the rich, well...richer. Now obviously the belief system 4000 years ago was much different than today, but what's the difference between a women being beaten for being in the same house with another man other than her husband and showing the picture of an unborn child to a women who obviously can not bring the child up in the proper environment?

Now of course, It all comes down to choice, but this choice is restricted by religion. It confines it like a rubber band around an ankle - but if you take it off, you go to hell.


Is this hell?
Or this?

How about this?

Looks like hell to me.

It seems to that we are already living in "Hell". Religion is just another factor making it worse. It segregates people, essentially alienating them from everyone else. You only have to watch some poorly written news story on Channel 9 to know how muslims are treated in Western society - not because of the person that they are, but because of the RELIGION that they follow.

If "God" was so devine, why are there so many religions? Why do those that follow a particular one disregard the other? In my eyes, Christianity and Islam are the same thing. They're a set of rules they you're meant to follow, otherwise you'll end up in a place like the pictures above - but even worse.

"Killing in the name of God" - Now that's my favourite one! 

Now, I could very easily point out and bad-mouth all the discrepancies and contradictions in The Bible, but not only would that just be a cheap shot, I don't think that would validate my argument. Like most things, the interpretation of the meaning implied, is what's most important. War, hatred and racism are all a result that can be directly related to Religion. So here's a question - What do YOU think would happen if we had an extremist Christian running our country? Religion itself is a personal thing to many people, but it has no right, at all, to be in the walls of a governmental building (That means both Abbott and Nile) If those that are in power need to refer to teachings of 2000 year old novel to be able to make the right decision, then we have the wrong people in power.

Although she's an Atheist, I still don't think she should be in power. 

We need people who know what is right - in terms of what is morally correct and what it's economically viable. Now of course, there are going to be times when the two can not merge together, but that does not mean that a religious point of view needs to be brought in for a decision to be made. It's utter laziness.

To me, those that follow a religion can't be accepting of others as in a "Love you Neighbour, but only if they love what you love" way. They have they're own narrow view of the world and will continue to look at the world from a keyhole. For them, saying that everything that's ever happened on this planet was because of God, instead of logically trying to find an explanation for why something has actually happened is they're only option. Take for example this picture:

Now because the napkin says that it is the "true religion", the people who follow that religion will naturally believe everything that it written within it that napkin will be true as well. If it says that everything on this planet came from "God" and that "God" is the only reason why you exist, then that is lazy. As people, aren't we supposed to be striving for greater intelligence and knowledge? Too seek out the answers, and not just take the easy route and sing 'Hallelujah' every Sunday?


Found this on YouTube - you should watch it. 

Tell me what you think.

Don't believe the lies and spin.

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