Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Angry Rant #22: We want Democracy?

I've been following the uprising in the Arab world closely - some of stories behind the militant leaders that are in charge are eerily disturbing. It almost makes me wonder why the people haven't revolted sooner...or why world "super" powers like the U.S. haven't jumped in to save the day like they always do (there's no oil - Egypt is run on tourism!)

Cynical to the MAX!

But I have been seeing a recurring theme - one that is not so much wrong, but spoken without much thought. Now I have to preface this by saying that I am all for Democracy - when it does work the way it should, that is, run by the people, it works in fair manner. But after the recent barrage of Wikileaks, my idea of Democracy is somewhat diminished.

So when I see a screaming protester in Libya shouting that they want Democracy, written on a sign in plain English, I can't help but think to myself what form of Democracy do the want? Do they want a their own version of Democracy or are they looking to just copy a Western version..

Oh ok, makes sense.

When we hear stories about the International Monetary Fund and the reasoning behind why it lends money to poorer countries, I can't help but wonder if their idea of "democracy" is somewhat misplaced. Now of course, ANYTHING is better than the current situation, and we should be lucky to not have militant leaders who call in fighter jets to bomb protesters, but after hearing some of the stories that have been revealed by the whole Wikileaks saga, it makes me really wonder as to whether or not Democracy could actually work in the Middle-East. And what about UN intervention? What about the ability of one of the five world "super powers" (So the U.S, U.K,  France, Russia, China) being able to veto anything they like (or anything that's not in the best interests for them)

For Example - If a decision was put forward by say...a new Democratic Party in Libya to the UN that involved say...oil...

Libya - Know for the largest oil reserves in Africa and this. 
...and they were to make some trade deal with Western countries because the Democratic Government would most certainly be Western based, the IMF (who'll most likely lend the new Government money) and the UN could essentially force the new Government to sell that oil to our Favourite Five for half the cost, but in return provide "support", just so some fat cat in Washington can fill this puppy up -


What's been going on in these countries of the past few decades has been wrong. It's been disturbing, it's damn right disgusting to think that no western country would ever intervene and give the people in these countries where they know that murdering those who revolt is just an every day practice, is sickening. Do they not find a "leader" who hires mercenaries to kill the people in his country wrong? Or does no one at all care about what goes on in Africa?

But hey, maybe these people will it get right.

Don't believe the Lies and Spin.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Angry Rant #21: Who the hell cares??

Over the last few days we were all bombarded with the news that Brian McFadden freaked out - Marge style - on a plane from L.A. to Sydney... and for some reason, which is entirely unknown to me, made the headlines.

(I know what you're saying to yourself right now)
The week before we were bombarded yet again by the news of that idiot cricketer known for that "one" bowl, Shane Warne, and that fling between Liz Hurley.

"...and the reasoning behind this push by media outlets to make this the number one news story in ALL Australia is?", I hear you ask in the background. Well apparently, according to the media, we enjoy that shit. We, apparently, prefer to hear about the escapades of some idiotic cricketer and the equally stupid Brian McFadden.

"No ball" alright you tosser. 

So I've been asking everyone that I see about it. You know the usual, "so what do you think of the top stories for this week, in particular the one regarding that McFadden wanker?" and I keep hearing the same response....

It's something along the lines of - WHO THE FUCK CARES?

When the media thinks that people, like us, want to read it, it's almost as insulting as this guy -

Now that being said, I'm trying to get my head around the mentality that's used by these so called "media outlets" - even the Sydney Morning Herald was reporting on this - and I have been trying to think of a possible reason as to why it is the media thinks that we enjoy hearing about this shit! when it comes down to it, the people that write the news are just as Australian as anyone else here i.e We think everything is bullshit - so why the hell do they think that's ok to write about something that is so pointless and insignificant as this?

Is it the click count on the website? Do they throw provocative images at people with headlines that practically emulate porn? It wouldn't be the first time that ninemsn.com.au, or the dailytelegraph.com.au has done such a thing - you only need to watch ONE episode of Media Watch to figure that out.

One of a few a good journos. 

Or is it because these people are lazy and pathetic excuses for Journalists who are too fucking stupid to think of something that would be worth hearing about? It would definitely be more worthwhile to report on something like this:

It's where those fancy engagement rings come from.
....than sitting outside Shane Warne's house with a camera, reporting on nothing at all...nothing at all...nothing at all...

But I digress.

There are way too many news channels - not that that's a bad thing - but they all have the same stupid views and opinions.

DO NOT believe the lies and spin.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Angry Rant #20: So...there's nothing to gain?

I've just been watching all the reports on Egypt. I mean ALL of them. Revolutions on a scale as large as this interest me greatly.

But I noticed something. And no, it wasn't the shameless plug that Nine News did for Underbelly, (even though that pissed me off) but the reports from all our supposed "World Leaders" who are supporting the people who have revolted against the government.

Which is pharoh-nough.

But didn't the same thing happen in Iraq? Isn't that the reason why the US jumped in to "save" the day? Isn't that why Aussie soliders and getting killed in Afghanistan from IEDs?

Then we hear how these massive protests will have negative effect on the Egyptian economy - an economy based on toursim. Would I be so cynical to think that because Egypt is not exactly rich in natural resources, that this is the reason why none of our "World Leaders" haven't jumped in and put a stop to this Military Dictatorship that's been happening over the past 30 years? 

This just brings out the obvious answer though - any western country *cough* the U.S. *cough* who has nothing to potentially gain from "saving" the people or saving their own arses, won't commit to helping. They'll sit there, sipping there soy lattés, and let the people rip themselves apart. Even the damn UN Secretary-General is supporting people.  

Talk it up. 

The United States is nation that is dependent on energy. It has so many people and cars and needs to provide so much power to so many people that it will only "save" countries that will potentially help them - much like the International Monterey Fund with it's 'We'll-lend-poor-countries-money-only-if-they-invest-that-money-back-onto-western-economies'.

It's just a given that if the U.S. doesn't see any way for it to benefit from invading a country, then it won't and neither will we.

This guy takes the same approach.

But I guess everyone isn't as cynical as I am.

Don't believe the Lies and Spin.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Angry Rant #19: Keeping it Brief.

I've been watching George Negus and his "6pm Report" and I'm not shocked to find that the ratings are terrible. It's a shame that when the news actually tries to do something properly (emphasis on the 'tries') it rates poorly. It really makes you wonder why shows like the Today Show and Sunrise take on such an entertainment style to the news.

People just don't care about anything that's happening outside of their own little worlds - even in their little worlds they don't care. If something like Cyclone Yasi occurs, we get bombarded by the news for an entire week until the directors and producers decide that people don't want to hear about it anymore. Even something as devastating as that gets pushed out of the news after a while.

Wonder how long till this goes off the radar. 

Who else saw that infamous "Count down clock" on the News.com website? Media outlets weren't treating the cyclone as a serious threat, but like the next episode of Jersey fucking Shore!!!! Yasi had gotten more coverage BEFORE it had actually hit the mainland!!!

And then when something that is generally important to hear about, like these "Riots" in Egypt, occurs, the media never report on the the reasons WHY the people are protesting, it's always the violence. They tend to leave out the fact that the "riots" where actually started by a bunch peaceful protesters who were just making a statement, but Channel 9 would rather report on the dangers of their own idiotic Journalists stuck in hotel because there had been threats against them.

It's like watching this but with Peter Overton. 

Drama and entertainment rule the news, but when people try to do the right thing, they're ignored by the masses.

Kind of a bit depressing.

Don't believe the Lies and Spin