Thursday, July 28, 2011

Angry Rant #44: So you want to be a good person?

Dismissed because he promoted "Equality" and the Church can't have that! 

You might have seen that story that went buzzing around a little earlier today about that Catholic Priest, Father Peter Kennedy who was dismissed from the church back in 2009 for among other things, feeling that men and women should be equal. The other things include, calling the story of Jesus a "fable" and blessing same-sex marriage.

So here is person who believes that everyone, no matter what sex you are or race, says people should be equal. So why do other idiot Christians like Fred Nile (Christian Version of muslim extremist) get away with saying that Islam is immoral when their own religion does the same thing? Then, they cut those out of the picture that say otherwise?

I wonder how much longer it will take for these people to finally wake up to themselves and truly see the world through their own eyes and not distorted by the words of some misogynisticcontradictory, anti-democratic story written by a bunch of power-hungry men who wanted more control.

Kennedy makes a pretty valid point however - if God is some all powerful being, can do everything and knows how we think, then why did he CHOOSE not to save the lives of innocent children? If all life is sacred, then why did he allow kids to be shot up and left to bleed to death under his so called control?

If you believe in God and believe that some "all powerful being" controls your life, then you, just to put it bluntly, are a fool. Your mind has been played with - seeing the world to you must be like trying to focus on your hand underwater - I feel sorry for you - and I stand by this.

Any group, person, being or whatever other collective that promotes inequality and violence in return for "salvation" is morally wrong. Religion in all of its many shapes and forms is just simply wrong. You want to be good person? Become an atheist and treat everyone with respect and equality that they deserve.

...and lets not forget that Anders Behring Breivik, the man who murdered 76 people over the weekend in Norway was also a Christian and did it because hates Islam.

Here's a little parting quote from Max Born to get you thinking (Kudos to MC): 

   "The belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it, seems to me the deepest root of all evil in this world"

Try and change my opinion - I dare you just to have go.

Dont believe the lies add spin.

1 comment:

  1. exactly! I can not, and will not ever be able to comprehend what some people can justify as "right". If you can murder, discriminate and hurt others in the name of an imaginary man who created the world and himself, then you must be smoking crack. It will nnever be clear to we atheists, what can possibly make somebody believe a nonsence story about walking on water and a man who lived in a whale. Honestly? And to use this story to justify imoral acts, and to 'kick out' somebody who tried to make a stand..... What can we say. What can we do, when a large fraction of the world is delusional.

    Yes, JM, once again you have written an insightful and intelligent article that conveys your opinion on religion, the accepted insanity.

    Agreed, If you call yourself a Christian how can you say that you dont tolerate prejudice, hate, inequality, when the very foundations of christianity (the bible) features so many incidents including these elements?

    I dont understand it. But I do understand, that when people such as Peter Kennedy are "kicked out" they must be doing something good.

    There is NO evidence for religion, but there can be no talking to some of these people when their minds are so corrupted that they wont see reasoning. And thats a fact!

    Anyway JM, excellent writting, it seems we have some very similar opinions on matters such as these.

    I'm not going to try and change your opinion, because there will simply be no changing mine.

