Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Angry Rant #47: Happy New Year!

Hello my children,

I have just had about 3 months off writing and getting my opinion out there to the people that read it. Honestly, I'm not too sure why. It might be the overwhelming factors regarding how many people I get through to or what constantly occurs in mainstream media - after many long months of media scrutiny, I needed a longer than normal break, to clear my head and get back onto the band wagon. It's tough working 9 to 5 and trying to write 1000 words of over-opinionated "fuck yous" to anything worth writing about.

So Media Watch, get off you lazy arses and get back to work - that means you Jonathan Holmes.

Naaa I'm just kidding, you're ok. 

So...the NDAA huh?

From what I know, and what I've been reading, the NDAA or 'National Defense Authorization Act' gives power to the military to detain, indefinitely (for as long as they want) any US citizen suspected of being a terrorist, without a warrant and figure out if terrorizing is their profession  *cough* WATER TORTURE IS TORTURE *cough* - it essentially cancels out all their rights they have as US citizens.

Now Obama, in a White House press statement, acknowledges the fact that he doesn't agree with the whole bill affirming that:

"I have signed this bill despite having serious reservations with certain provisions that regulate the detention, interrogation, and prosecution of suspected terrorists."


"I want to clarify that my Administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens. Indeed, I believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a Nation."

Nice save huh?

So he signs the bill anyway on the 31st of December, when everyone was too drunk to care or even remember anything. It's a bit like introducing a new gun law so everyone can have gun, acknowledging the fact that guns kill people, but signing it in anyway. Why sign a bill you don't entirely agree with? Here are some possible terrorist suspects below:

What's stranger is how mainstream media seems to be avoiding the whole issue like the plague. It's still early days though...

Watch this space.

Don't believe the lies and spin.

1 comment:

  1. You should do a rant on SOPA.
    If um...That's okay with you...
